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Browsing Tag: DIY

The First Project: Building Open Shelving in the Kitchen

Back in April, we said we wanted to begin posting again like we used to. Well, it’s September and here we are. The grief process is a long one and we are still slowly learning how to do the things we used to do. Thank you for your…

A Chalkworthy Makeover

This post is part of our collaboration with Chalkworthy. All opinions are 100% my own. One of the things I was most excited to finish in the nursery was Baby Girl’s dresser. I’m not totally sure why, but I think the idea of being able to…

DIY Whitewashed Mirror

We’re back to the bathroom talk today, but only because we wanted to show you a pretty upgrade we made above the sink… Ooo, la la! I am so excited about the mirror in here because 1. It’s currently the only mirror hung in our…