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Browsing Tag: DIY

Cheap & Easy DIY Magnets

Yesterday was a day devoted to schedules and the styling of such. As much fun as I had creating our Thomas Family Calendar… … I had no way to hang it! The poor thing had been affixed to our fridge with scotch tape because of the lack of magnet…

What’s the Date, Again?

Operation: Personalize the House is in full swing around here. We love adding bits of “us” here and there, without plastering our faces everywhere you look. One way we did this was by creating a Thomas Family Calendar, that hangs in our kitchen. The calendar is just one…

DIY Lenten Jars

Maybe I’m just a slacker, but Lent crept up on me this season! Before I knew it, we were two weeks in and I haven’t even thought of what I’m giving up yet! I’ve been thinking a lot about this Lent thing…