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Browsing Tag: DIY

Don’t Panic, Just Fix It

Does this ever happen to you? Something in your house/apartment/dorm/life breaks and you immediately go into panic mode? It’s almost like my brain just goes straight to “oh well, it’s broken… guess it’ll be broken FOREVER”. And then…

The Prettiest Leftovers

Ok, friends… I’ve owed you this post for weeks, so here it is! A festive table setting for this time of year. I like this one because it’s simple, it worked for Christmas, but it’s not so Christmas-y that it can&#8217…

Because We Needed More Room For Cleaning Supplies and Toilet Paper

#longesttitleever The preface to that novel should be “We Built a Cabinet Under the Bathroom Sink”. Make sense now? Oh boy, this day is already backward and upside and confusing, but we’re going with it so hang on tight. Remember the downstairs bathroom? This one&#8230…