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Browsing Tag: family room

That One Time We Tried a Rug…

This is a tale of a design fail. We all have them… those brilliant ideas that turn out to be not so brilliant in real life? Here was one of mine… I found these pictures from way back when the other day and thought it would be fun…

A Panel Discussion

Happy Monday everybody! I am super excited about today because it is the official kickoff to a new feature that will be coming your way each month… the DIY Monthly Challenge! So what does that mean? Here’s the short and sweet low-down: A group of us…

Otto the Box

Look guys, I apologize in advance for the corniness of that title. It’s bad and I know it. I figured that it’s been some time since we bought our beloved ottomans (now you’re groaning at the title, huh? me too.) for the family room…