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Browsing Tag: Florida

Day 7 & 8: A Few Last Hurrahs

We have reached the end, friends. The last couple days of the big trip. Our adventure to Florida is coming to a close! Don’t get too teary eyed, though- we’ve still got a few surprises in store for next week… a monster of a video…

Day 3: A Day at Disney

Psst. We’re knee deep in recapping our family vacation to Florida! You can read all about Day 1 here and Day 2 here. This day was so much fun. We were exhausted from Harry Potter World the day prior, but determined to get every last penny’s…

Day 1: 2015 Family Vacation

I apologize in advance for the amount of details, photos, and ridiculous videos I am about to inundate you with over the next two weeks. We just got back from a week-long vacation to Florida (you can read about how we decided on it here and how we planned…