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Browsing Tag: food

Summer’s Shower: Food, Games, and PRESENTS!

This certainly has been a whirlwind week of showering. And not the clean kind- actually, in the rush of things, there’s a strong chance I skipped a shower or two. #whoops If you’ve been with us this past week, you know we’ve been showering…

9.21.13: Details, Details, Details…

Hip, hip, HOORAY, it’s Wedding Week! This week, we’ve covered how we celebrated one year, the timeline of the Wedding Day, how we asked our friends and family to be a part of the experience, and today we’ll be diving into the tiny little…

15 Things I Learned In India

Not my most creative title, but hey, sometimes it’s better to get straight to the point. If you were with us yesterday, you’ll remember that: 1. It’s India week and 2. our story started with a going away box for a girl named Jess…