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Browsing Tag: garden

A Shower for Summer

What a weekend we had! It was full of shopping marathons, deceitful scheming, and surprise parties… oh, and BEAUTIFUL weather! I am so excited to share all of the details with you because 1. It was a blast, and 2. The weekend was full of people I love and…

We Added a Room… For $85.

To the backyard! For awhile now, we’ve been trying to figure out how to divert attention away from the eyesore that was this corner of the patio:Yeah, we know… it’s not a pretty sight. And seeing how the rest of the patio is really…

Garden Party

You’ve seen the garden. Yep, this one from when we added the edging: What you haven’t seen are the trials and tribulations that our poor garden has faced. It’s the teenager of our family- constant ups and downs. So let me take you on…