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Browsing Tag: green

An Indoor Garden

Hey everybody! Happy Wednesday! I am excited about today’s post because I get to highlight a favorite room of mine… buuuut it’s not in our house. We’re taking a little field trip today and heading over to my parent’s neck of…

Happy Belated Earth Day (Part 1): Go Green!

You would think that, working across the hall from a Nursery School class, I would have known it was Earth Day last week. Whoops. Better late than never, right? No reason we can’t celebrate now! In honor of Earth Day, we’ve green-ified our house by…

Mantel of the Month: March Edition

Well, I blinked, and March is half over! So, in the spirit of things (Happy St. Patty’s Day by the way!), we decided it was time to part with our winter mantel display and usher in the spring season… Now, before we go crazy with the &#8220…