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Browsing Tag: organization

Spare Room Closet Clean Out

Ok, I owe you a closet clean out post… Sorry that it didn’t come at the end of last week. We were headed out to our Middle School Fall Retreat and I ran out of time to get it posted, but better late than never, right? This…

Cork in the Cabinets

Well, two of them, that is. If you recall (awhile back), we had been dreaming of some sort of kitchen command center to put a bit of order to the lists, coupons, and mail that seems to be ever-accumulating into piles on our counters. The plan was to add…

Cabinet Fever

I am super excited about this new project we’re working on… and I need your opinion! We love our kitchen, but will be the first ones to say that our cabinet and drawer space are precious commodities. So much so, that we are constantly trying to find…