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Browsing Tag: Orlando

Day 7 & 8: A Few Last Hurrahs

We have reached the end, friends. The last couple days of the big trip. Our adventure to Florida is coming to a close! Don’t get too teary eyed, though- we’ve still got a few surprises in store for next week… a monster of a video…

Day 3: A Day at Disney

Psst. We’re knee deep in recapping our family vacation to Florida! You can read all about Day 1 here and Day 2 here. This day was so much fun. We were exhausted from Harry Potter World the day prior, but determined to get every last penny’s…

Harry Potter World In a Day- Tips and Tricks

Psst. This is a “tips and tricks” post… to see all of the photos and videos from OUR day in Harry Potter World, you’ll want to read this morning’s post… you can see that here.  Psst #2. If you are not a…