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Browsing Tag: Pinterest

Chapter 3: Closet Plans

Hip hip hooray, today’s the day! Today’s the day, for closet play! If I were Dr. Seuss, that’s how I would start this blog post. I might even do the whole darn thing in rhyme. But for fear that you’d all abandon…

Summer’s Shower: The Details

Here it goes, folks. The nuts and bolts of how Summer’s shower came together. Fair warning: You will understand zero words of this post if you do not take a quick second (ok, it’s long… might take you more like seven seconds) to read yesterday…

A Shower for Summer

What a weekend we had! It was full of shopping marathons, deceitful scheming, and surprise parties… oh, and BEAUTIFUL weather! I am so excited to share all of the details with you because 1. It was a blast, and 2. The weekend was full of people I love and…