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Browsing Tag: Shopping

Dear Santa… (2015 Edition)

An ode to holiday wish lists… ‘Twas the week of Black Friday and Cyber Monday when all through the bank statement; not a black number was stirring, not even a penny. The End Thank you and goodnight. I’ll be here all week. šŸ™‚ Happy Spend-All-Your…

More Than a Hobby

Guys. I’m in love. During our time off (you can read all about that here), I spent over TWO HOURS in a store. And if you know me, that’s a big deal. I’m not a big shopper. I do love thrifting and Target gets…

Inspiration on Vacation

Ok, that titleĀ is confusing.Ā Please read: Inspiration While on Vacation, Not: My Inspiration is on Vacation. So back in the beginning of September, Mitch and I took a trip to Bethany Beach, DE for a few days. His uncle graciously lent us his beach house, so we hit the…