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Browsing Tag: spring

Happy Belated Earth Day (Part 1): Go Green!

You would think that, working across the hall from a Nursery School class, I would have known it was Earth Day last week. Whoops. Better late than never, right? No reason we can’t celebrate now! In honor of Earth Day, we’ve green-ified our house by…

Thrill of the Week: Salt ‘n Pepper in the Springtime

In honor of Easter, we’re stickin’ with the egg theme (A big thanks goes out to all of you who commented and shared yesterday’s post! If you try out the non-dying Easter egg decor, shoot us some pictures and we’ll have a…

Easter Is So Egg-citing!

As newlyweds, Mitch and I are still experiencing each holiday “for the first time as a married couple” and are enjoying creating some new holiday traditions of our own! Granted, egg dying isn’t anything new to society, but we decided we wanted in on the fun…