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Browsing Tag: Target

Boxy Blooms

Last week we had a really good snow. Like the kind that gives everyone (well, most people) a snow day and makes you want to hunker down, stay inside, and wrap yourself in every blanket in the house. Mitch and I did just that as we worked from home, keeping…

Get Otto-Here, Man

Any guesses what this post is about? Yep, you got it- ottomans! So we’ve got two in our Family Room… And they are awesome (large and comfy), but they have one shortcoming… there is no secret storage inside of them. I know, I know- we can…

Spare Room Closet Clean Out

Ok, I owe you a closet clean out post… Sorry that it didn’t come at the end of last week. We were headed out to our Middle School Fall Retreat and I ran out of time to get it posted, but better late than never, right? This…