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Browsing Tag: Thanksgiving

Turkey Makeovers

I was going to name this post “Turkey Trot”, but figured that would be misleading as there will be no trotting over here today. In fact, there will be very little physical activity besides eating- I am sure I will pay for that next week at the gym…

2014 Turkey Table #3: Harvest Time

Time for Round Three of the Thanksgiving spread! Sorry, that’s misleading- we’re not serving food here, just a table setting. Womp, womp. Are you just now tuning in to the party? Well, not to worry- we’ll play a little catch up… Essentially, I…

The Pumpkin Progression Continues….

Remember our pumpkin-y adventures of yore?We were embracing the renew, reuse, recycle mindset by using the same pumpkins over and over again, but with different looks. And, friends, I am happy to report that the Pumpkin Progression continues! After Halloween ended, I took those babies outside and gave…