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Browsing Tag: travel

Thrill of the Week: Coolest Candle Award

To wrap up our world culture week, I’m spotlighting one of the coolest decorations we own. And it is an India original!For those of you scratching your head (“should I know what that is???”), it is a candle holder made of carved stone. The idea…

15 Things I Learned In India

Not my most creative title, but hey, sometimes it’s better to get straight to the point. If you were with us yesterday, you’ll remember that: 1. It’s India week and 2. our story started with a going away box for a girl named Jess…

DIY “Going Away” Box

We are coming off a week of blogging neglect and I apologize… computer issues, mixed with traveling to far off places with no internet connection is a recipe for a week of no posts. But not to worry, we have so many things lined up for the next couple…