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Browsing Tag: vacation

Getting Outta Dodge

Our big trip-eroo is coming! It’s not here yet, but it’s coming (read more about it here and here)… Last year’s vacation was great, don’t get me wrong, but we didn’t time it very well. We hit the…

2015 Easter Weekend Recap

HAPPY EASTER! He is Risen! And you better believe we partied hard. On Thursday evening, we packed up the car with suitcases, a guitar, flowers for family and hit the road on our usual tour de force to celebrate the holiday with each of our families. Here is a whirlwind…


The state, I mean. 🙂 Did anyone guess from the clue yesterday? That’s riiiiight… we’ve nailed down the logistics for the (much anticipated… by us) 2015 Thomas Family Vacation and we are flyin’ south, baby! It is sure to be a load of fun…