That One Time We Tried a Rug…

This is a tale of a design fail. We all have them… those brilliant ideas that turn out to be not so brilliant in real life? Here was one of mine…

Trying a Rug in the Family Room (3)

I found these pictures from way back when the other day and thought it would be fun to show you. For some reason, I desperately wanted to have a rug in the family room… I love some of that patterned rugs out there right now and I was on the hunt for the perfect one to bring home. Turns out, Lowes was selling some cheap ones awhile back and to get the feel of how a rug would look in our house, I brought one home to show Mitch.

Trying a Rug in the Family Room (2)

Spoiler Alert: It was a no-go.

We tried it all different ways, to no avail. First of all, it wasn’t the right size. The pattern was a bit much for our space, and the un-sturdiness of it would have made it a nightmare to vacuum around. It ended up going back to the store, but I thought I’d show you some of combinations we tried. Just for fun. 🙂 Because why not laugh at the mistakes of your past?

Here it is under the chairs…

Trying a Rug in the Family Room (4)

Then we tried it under the couch…

Trying a Rug in the Family Room (5)

No dice? How about the other way?

Trying a Rug in the Family Room (1)

Ah well, we tried. 🙂

So what about you? Any design choices that seemed like a home run in theory, but turn out to be a complete strike out in practice? Spill the goods… we’re all family here. 🙂


  1. deanne | 21st Oct 15

    Ah. I did the same thing… except my wasn’t from Lowe’s nor returnable. I woke up every day asking what was I thinking? for about a month of trying it every which way…finally I rolled it up and admitted to total Fail. The colors were right, the design nice…it just didn’t work in my area. Fortunately, I was able to “gift” it to my sister where it works perfectly for her. I deleted my pics tho

    • Leslie | 21st Oct 15

      Oh no!! So glad you were able to gift it to your sister! That’s the worst… When you can’t just hit “undo”. 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting!!

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