The Best Kind of Leftovers

Last week found us swept up in a white floral wonderland as we picked, trimmed, and arranged our fun Mantel of the Month for April. For that project, I loaded up on white hydrangeas and baby’s breath and YIPPEE: we had leftovers! Of the baby’s breath, that is.

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We are a family that truly believes in nothing ever going to waste in our house if we can help it (sometimes we reuse tin foil and we definitely cut the ends off toothpaste tubes to get the last drops… every little bit counts!). You can imagine how thrilled I was to have a few sprigs of blooms leftover to spread throughout the house. And spread, I did. Our home is currently a cloud of baby’s breath and we are in flower power heaven. I know, I know- pictures are the true gold around here, so let me take you on a tour of our baby breathing adventures.

To add a simple, but elegant hint of spring here and there, I gathered up a variety of empty glasses- a mason jar, some glass bottles (thanks to my brother Beau’s love of fancy chocolate milk.. .he so willingly gave me some of the sturdy, clear glass after finishing), and finally, a chic candle holder from Target.Baby's Breath

From there, it was a simple “snip and fill” for each piece.Baby's Breath

Easy peasy, low maintainance (just add water), and cheap… use what you’ve already got and you’ll save more than a few pennies! Don’t have leftover flowers lying around? No worries! I bought a nice sized bunch of baby’s breath for $2.50 at Produce Junction, so even if you were going to just pick some up for this little project, it won’t break the bank. And trust me, you’ll have plenty of flowers for maaaaaany arrangements. The arrangements are fresh and airy and we’re loving the fact that our house feels so alive!bb 3Baby's BreathBaby's Breath

Many of our arrangements ended up on the floating shelves in the Kitchen, but we made sure to put them elsewhere too. Some of them even made it into our Downstairs Bath… we haven’t seen much of this room yet, but here’s a sneak peek for you:Baby's Breath

What is your favorite simple trick for bringing life into your living room? Dorm rooms totally count too, so college people- chime in! Have a great day, all!
