The Blue You Never Saw…

I’m gonna need you to think waaaaay back for this post… like first house… bathroom makeover… remember this mood board?

Downstairs Bathroom Moodboard

This was the general plan and direction we were heading for with the hall bathroom back in our first house and already had a few of the pieces in the works. First, we refinished the counter top of the sink (you can read all about that project here)…

Using Giani Granite in the Downstairs Bathroom 4110x2691

And removed the nondescript “boob light”, replacing it with this classy glass orb one (read that post here)…

Vintage Industrial Style Pendant Light from Parrot Uncle

But there was a step I never actually showed you because it came and went within a week! Why? Right smack in the middle of the bathroom renovation, we made the decision that we were moving and put a halt on all current projects and the kibosh on all future ones that we had originally planned for. One of those things was painting the ceiling of the bathroom blue, as per our original moodboard. Back in September/October, you may remember that we had a bit of a leaking problem in our upstairs bathroom that resulted in some moldy drywall in the ceiling of our downstairs hall closet. Here’s a shot of how she was looking, sans moldy ceilings and sporting a brand new color (aka. leftover paint from a past project)…

Replacing Moldy Drywall in the Closet

While we were remedying that issue and had the blue paint out to give the closet a fresh coat, I thought “why not just start the blue ceiling process while I have it handy?” And thus, our bathroom ceiling got a coat of that same blue that was in our closet…

Painting the Bathroom Ceiling Blue

The funny thing about all of this was that not but a few days later did we confirm our moving plans and because we were mid-bathroom project anyway, we decided to pull the plug on completing the moodboard, paint the room back to the color it was before, ditch the plans for the teal vanity, and paint it black instead. So the room did get finished, but not in the way we were thinking it would and we definitely took a brief detour down Blue Ceiling Lane before coming back around to what ended up being the finished product.

Vintage Industrial Style Pendant Light from Parrot Uncle-002

So there you have it- a quick behind the scenes look at a project that started and ended quicker than you can say “We’re Moving!”. 🙂

PS. Check back in tomorrow because we’ve got the long-awaited “Messy House Tour” coming your way… ever wonder what it looks like when the Thomas’s pack up everything and move? Now’s your chance.