The Key to My Heart… er, House

Because yesterday’s post was soooooo meaty, let’s lighten things up today with a quick and easy art project. This one is so simple. I promise, you could whip this together in ten minutes flat. If not quicker. In fact, I dare ya to try… Here it is:

Key Art

Can you find it? How about a closer look…


That’s right. We’re jumping on the frame-your-house-key bandwagon and I can say with full gusto… I LOVE it. It might be my favorite piece of the not-fully-completed gallery wall.

And it was SO EASY. Here’s what you do:

Step 1: Grab a small frame (could be one that hangs on the wall, could be one that sits on a surface). I gave mine a quick coat of white spray paint to get rid of that silver border.


Step 2: Take the glass out.

Step 3: Find a piece of paper to use as a background. I chose this flowery printed scrapbooking paper and a smaller piece of white card stock to really make that key stand out.


Step 4: Attach a spare key. I think ours is just up there with a bit of tape and it’s been hangin’ in there for months now.

Taping a Key

Let it be known- our only spare key was most definitely sacrificed for the making of this project. I know, I know, I’m going to live to regret this someday. Don’t worry- we’ve already been down that road and swore to ourselves that the very next thing we did would be to get a spare key to hide outside. And that was a year ago. It’s still on the to-do list. I now have a mental video of me being stranded outside and having to look through the window at our lovely gallery wall, while our only spare key smiles cheekily at me from it’s mounted spot right smack in the middle. That will be a frustrating day. We might have to bump GET A FRICKIN’ SPARE KEY MADE AT LOWES ALREADY up on the priority list. 🙂

Step 5: Add some words. If you want. If you don’t want, that’s cool too. I just wrote “our first house”- simple and sweet.

our first house

Another option would be to put your street address. Here’s a behind-the-scenes tidbit about blogging: One of the biggest reasons I didn’t go that route is because I knew this project would be on the blog someday and that if I used our street address, I’d have to edit it out in all the pictures. Hence, “our first house”. I am that lazy. Now you know. 🙂

Step 6: Hang and enjoy!

House Key ARt Gallery

I said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m in LOVE. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

Now if only I could find the time to rid the house of those dangforsaken swans… someday.

PS. Don’t have a house or apartment key to use? Grab one of those old fashioned skeleton keys (they sell them at craft stores) and go to town! Your key doesn’t actually have to go with any lock… 🙂