
Hey All! Please note that the majority of the lovely photos in this post were taken by our very talented friend, Hannah Choi. Check out her website and show her some love… she’s awesome!

Last month, I gave you a few snapshots of a big day in the life of our family, but I know I promised you a more complete run-down on all things Bummer. The word “Bummer” can be defined as a word describing the misfortune of something or someone. It also happens to be the combination of my brother, Beau, and his new wife, Summer.

Bummer. 🙂

Beau and SummerRemember them? You first met them back in the spring, when we threw Summer a bridal shower. Well, now they’re married! And these two goofballs are so cool, they successfully pulled off using #thebummerwedding as their wedding hashtag. I thought it would be fun to give you a better look into how the day unfolded, complete with fun facts that I remembered and thoughts straight from Beau and Summer themselves! So let’s back up to the beginning…


The morning started at La Massaria, their ceremony and reception venue, with all of the girls getting their hair and make up done. Beau’s twin (you’ll see him in a few minutes), Clint, has a girlfriend named Ally… still with me? Ally and I were in charge of the “getting ready” playlist for the morning, so there was also a fair bit of karaoke and dancing happening. 🙂


It was so fun to watch everyone get ready and get excited for the day ahead. Summer’s hair and make up turned out beautifully…

#thebummerweddingFun fact… That white silk robe was actually the same one that I wore on my wedding day! My mom gave it to me and it made the morning feel that much more special, so I was happy to bring it over so Summer could wear it on her day too. Here’s a fun comparison shot…

LM-_R7A5766Right in the middle of all of the preparations, Beau surprised Summer with a little something special for the bridal party! PS. That’s Ally holding up the shirt. Consider yourselves formally introduced. 🙂

#thebummerweddingI love wearing mine and to this day, it is the most commented-on piece of clothing I think I’ve ever owned. How fun it was to have something to remember the day by!

When it was time for Summer to get her dress on, all of us left the room except her mom, who helped her get changed. Then we all came back in with our eyes closed for the big reveal…

#thebummerweddingYou can imagine the joy and celebration when we opened our eyes to this beautiful girl, all ready for her wedding day…

#thebummerwedding (33)The boys even got in on the “getting ready” action! Doesn’t Beau look like the happiest guy in the world to be marrying Summer?

#thebummerweddingAll lined up and ready to go! Mitch is third from the left, Clint (my other brother and Beau’s twin) is next to him and Beau is smack in the middle with the darker pants.


The man of the hour himself…

#thebummerweddingRight before everything got started, the girls and her parents all prayed for Summer and Beau. What a special moment, a calm in things, before the crazy ensued.


From Beau: My most stressful moment was about ten minutes before the wedding, as I was doing a lot of last- minute setup. Thankfully, everything fell into place right in time.

The ceremony was lovely…

#thebummerweddingA great combination of fun and laughter…


And sentiment…

#thebummerweddingFrom B&S: One of the top moments of the day was seeing each other down the aisle for the first time, realizing that all of the planning and practicing was over and we were actually getting to marry each other!

Oh, and you know how everyone wants to see what the groom’s reaction to the bride is when she walks down the aisle? Well, here you go. 🙂

#thebummerweddingThere were tears. And not just from Beau. My uncle started the ceremony so Summer’s dad could walk her down the aisle and then her dad took over and finished from there.  Vows, rings, kiss, and then it was time to party!

#thebummerweddingAnother fun fact… you can see how nice and sunny it was during the day. What you can’t see was how warm it was. Let’s just say most of the groomsmens’ shirts transitioned from white to translucent during the ceremony. 🙂 We’ll take it, if it meant sunny skies. I kid you not… not but 30 or so minutes after we all went indoors did it POUR down rain. We’re talking full on thunder and lightening and torrential downpour. We didn’t care, though, we were too busy gettin’ our groove on!

From B&S: [What was one thing that did not go as planned? There’s always something!] Beau planned this fun outdoor space on the patio with plants and a fire pit for s’mores. It ended up thunderstorming really hard throughout a lot of the reception, so it didn’t get used. But we were so thankful the rain waited until after our outdoor ceremony!

In the end, it all worked out and reminded me very much of our own wedding, almost two years ago…

Mitch and Leslie's Wedding

Must be a family thing. 🙂

From Summer: I was most stressed making sure we got all the photos we wanted during cocktail hour, but our photographer did a great job!


Twins! Clint is on the left, Beau on the right. Pretty dang close, huh?

#thebummerwedding Fun fact (what are we up to, number three now?)… They’ve been switching places, tricking people, and taking names since Day One. In all of their years of schooling, they’d switch places every April Fools Day… even their freshman year of college! That one took some planning… think wardrobe and belonging switches, class schedules, friend and teachers’ name quizzes, and campus tour explanations at wee hours in the morning the night before. A la Parent Trap style. These two are jokesters at their very core, so it only fit their relationship and personalities too well when they switched places for the toast too! Beau gave Clint’s best man speech to Clint, posing as the groom and then they pulled the rug out from everyone and switched back part of the way through. 🙂 Those of us in on what was happening had our own fun by threatening to start clinking glasses… HAH! Good times, all around.

And the happy couple…

#thebummerweddingEvery little bit of the wedding was just beautiful, from the flowers to the place cards. For all of you detail lovers out there, here you go… soak ’em in!

#thebummerwedding #thebummerwedding#thebummerwedding #thebummerwedding

#thebummerwedding #thebummerwedding (34) #thebummerwedding #thebummerwedding

From Summer: I think we were most relaxed once all of the formalities were over. When we were finished with the special dances and cake cutting and making the rounds and all of that. Then we were free to dance! We had so much fun being with each other and all our friends and family on the dance floor!

The reception was a blast.. full of food, toasts, dancing, and time together.

#thebummerweddingLike father, like sons…


These are some very important people in my life… don’t know where I’d be without these cousins of mine!



From B&S: The very last song that played [Trees by Twenty One Pilots] was one of our favorites, by a band we love. All of our friends surrounding us, raving to that song together on the dance floor was so much fun.

Beau and Summer hit the road after we danced the night away to a glow stick exit! Just when you thought the night couldn’t get any better… GLOWSTICKS. 🙂


From B&S: We had so much fun at our wedding. It’s such a rare occasion to be surrounded by everyone who cares about you. We felt so loved and celebrated. And our friends and family can rock a dance floor! It was such a perfect way to start married life together.

By the end of the night, we were blissfully tired and full of joy from such a wonderful day. Congratulations Beau and Summer… we couldn’t be happier for you!


PS. Stay tuned because later today, I’ll show you what we gifted them for their big day. I’ll give you a hint… it’s out of this world! 🙂