Thomas Family Vacation!

Hey there! As previously stated (here and here), we took off early last month for a family vacation to Bethany beach, DE. Mitch’s uncle very graciously lent us his beach house for the week, so we packed our bags and headed out on a road trip to Delaware! Vacation 100This vacation was awesome- we relaxed, slept in, went on adventures, the whole bit. I won’t bore you with the play by play, but I do have that video montage I promised. Excuse my amateur editing skills- you’ll be happy to know that Windows Movie Maker and I are back on good terms. If anything, I had a lot of fun learning how to piece it all together. Vacation 200Before you watch, here are some highlights you’ll want to look out for:

  • A Totem Pole cameo
  • A view from atop a horse (!!!)
  • The horses’ names that had us laughing
  • Mitch does one of his famous “moves” (if you know him, you’ll know what I’m talking about… happens around 3:35)
  • No, we never made it to the beach on Sunday… Mitch won that battle.

And with that, here is our 6 day vacation in 7 minutes and 34 seconds. Enjoy!

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with our 2014 Vacation Superlatives- the best and worst of the trip… get pumped. Have a great day!
