Thrill of the Week: We Need SHADE!

Lampshades that is. Remember those fun-sized lamps we stumbled across (and then spray painted gold)? Well, this week’s thrill is the perfect compliment to our lovely lights. The point goes to Target clearance for these finds- they are simple, cute, and perfect for what we needed. One day, I decided to bite the bullet and take them home for a test drive. Turns out, they are a great fit!

lampshadeWe had the choice of a dark fushia (I was tempted to go wild-child), but decided that white would be better suited for wherever they end up living. White is a pretty safe and long-lasting color and gives us the freedom to switch them in and out of different spaces, should we want to change it up. We’re also loving the unique shape- adds a subtle touch of interest. Score another point for Target. So, here is the final product- spray painted base and all…

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The white tempers the gold a bit and helps connect it with the couch, blanket and pillows.lamps 018Want a close up? Here’s a zoomed in look at what’s happening on the table:lamps 012I added a few books (taking them out of their paper sleeves to expose the hardback) to give the lamp a bit of height over the other items on the table. Bonus: the books bring some fun colors to the picture too! A tissue box (that conveniently ties in with the color scheme of the room) and a shell to complete the trio (always better to decorate in odd numbers)… and we’re good to go!lamps 015How about one last panned out glimpse for good measure?lamps 017Alrighty, off to the rest of the day- hope it’s a great one for you!
