To a “T”

Ready for a shot of spring? Yeah, me too… especially since here in the Philly area sometimes it still feels a bit like, um, WINTER. Also because tomorrow is EASTER! So we’re springing up the place with a wreath ‘o flowers! Except, this is not really a wreath. I could try and explain, but a picture is worth a thousand words, so here ya go:

Spring T

I can’t take the credit for this one, as I stole the idea from this Pinterest post:

Inspiration Flower Monogram

see original photo here 

But I can give you the run-down on how I got the look. It is super easy (and pretty self explanatory) AND if you already have some fake flowers lying around, you might even be able to make this for FREE! And that’s always a win. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Piece of cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • White Paint (optional)
  • Hot Glue gun
  • Fake Flowers
  • Twine or string

STEP 1: Sketch out whatever letter you’ll be sporting on your cardboard. The bigger the letter, the more flower-y it will be. 🙂


STEP 2: Cut out your letter.


STEP 3: Poke two holes in the top of your letter and attach some twine or string so you have a way to hang it up. You’ll want to do this before adding any flowers because you’ll be able to better hide it if you do it now, rather than at the end.

Attaching Twine

STEP 4: Paint your letter white (or whatever color you want as a “background” in case there are gaps between your flowers.

PaintSTEP 5: Play around with the flowers until you have an arrangement that you like. I popped all of the flowers off of their stems and even cut the plastic pieces off for some of them to help them lay flat.


STEP 6: Glue your flowers in place! For some of the ones that had a plastic backing (that I didn’t cut off), I punctured a hole in the cardboard where I wanted it to go, put some glue on the plastic part, and shoved it into the opening of the cardboard. That seemed to help them be secured nice and tight, but also stay relatively flat.

Making Flowers Lay Flat Glue

STEP 7: Layer, layer, layer. I wanted the letter to look really full of blooms, so there are flowers on top of flowers. On top of flowers. 🙂

Flowers on TT for Thomas

STEP 8: Hang it up and enjoy!

Front DoorDoor

I love how ours turned out and it’s fun to have something hanging on our door to help usher the spring weather in (or convince it that it’s time to make an appearance). I also like that it’s not your average wreath- it’s not a wreath at all, actually. Sometimes it’s fun to change things up.

Easy Spring MonogramTell me about your door! Whatcha got goin’ on out there? A spring wreath? Anyone have something different hanging on their door? Ten points if you send me a picture…

House in Spring

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