Top 10 New House Favorites

We’ve been living in our house for just about 4 months and it has definitely been an adventure thus far. Parts of it have been challenging (it’s been hard to be so sick in a house that doesn’t quite feel like home yet), but there are major pluses to the new place and we’ve curated a list of the “top 10” in our book so far. I thought it would be fun to share while we’re still “early in” and have this list to look back on later… some of our first favorites of the new house!

Kitchen Window… Our kitchen sink looks out over the backyard and we’ve never had a set-up like that before, so it’s been fun to be able to see outside while we wash the dishes!

Open-ish Floor Plan… The main living space is nice and spacious and the rooms are light and airy, which we love. Eventually, we have a few walls that we’d love to take down to open it up even more, but we figured we’d live with it for awhile before making any big moves. For now, it’s so nice to have the kitchen and family room relatively connected and open.

Kitchen, Family Room

Breezes…When all of the windows are open in the house, we find that we get the most lovely breezes coming through! Being on a hill helps with this and it’s such a good feeling to be able to open the house up and let in fresh air whenever we can.

A big, green backyard… Ahhhh, grass! Trees! I think it’s my love language. 🙂 And while it is certainly more of a task to maintain the almost 1.3 acres (of mostly grass), we LOVE having so much green to play around with. We are so looking forward to dreaming up some great backyard and patio plans. For now, I hung up a clothes line and that’s enough to tide us over until we can get our bearings for bigger projects.

Backyard Clothesline

Cul-de-sacs galore… Our neighborhood is home to a few and I just love the idea that our kids will have places to play away from traffic and close to home. Plus, this neighborhood has so many kids… which is a far cry from our last house where we had NOT ONE trick-or-treater last year!

The master bathroom… Oh, what luxury! We’ve never had a bathroom attached to our bedroom before and I have to admit- I could get used to this en suite business. Granted, we have not once showered in there because the room is in major need of repairs (which have since been started, so stay tuned!), but when it is fully up and running, it is going to be a dream. 🙂

The basement… This sucker is BIG. Like run-the-full-length-of-the-house big. It is unfinished and just teeming with potential. We can’t wait to someday turn that into something great. For now, it’s home to a lot of post-moving stuff that still needs to be organized.


The sledding hill… We don’t call our beloved casa the “house on the hill” for nothing. Our front yard boasts a pretty good-sized hill, which can be a challenge for lawn mowing purposes (pushing the push mower up that thing is NO JOKE) but is also going to be one heck of a sledding hill when we get snow!

New House 2

The two-car garage… how did we go from a house that had virtually NO storage space to one with so many options, we don’t have enough stuff to fill it all? We’re not really park-the-cars-in-the-garage people, so it’s exciting to think of all of the other ways to tap into that unused space. There will definitely be some sort of work space for projects, building, etc. Other than that, the sky is the limit!

Our front porch… is what my dreams are made of. 🙂 I love front porches and am so thankful that ours came with the house. The previous owner installed it and did such a beautiful job with the wood beams and slatted ceiling. We can’t wait to get some stain and seal on it, paint the front door a cheerful color (already done!), and add some comfy furniture (I have big hopes for a porch swing), pretty decorations, and maybe even a few flower beds in front.

Front Porch-001

There it is… the big 10! Our favorites of the house as we’ve experienced it so far. Now that I’m seemingly on the mend from being so sick (knock on wood), I am finally getting back into the swing of house stuff and blogging and I’m hoping to use the next few weeks to catch you all up on all of the posts that have been sitting, half-finished in my Drafts folder. Feels good to be back in action. 🙂

PS. Tomorrow, that video that I promised you… the one where I surprised Mitch by telling him we were pregnant… and caught it on film… that one? It’s coming. Tomorrow!