Turkey Makeovers

I was going to name this post “Turkey Trot”, but figured that would be misleading as there will be no trotting over here today. In fact, there will be very little physical activity besides eating- I am sure I will pay for that next week at the gym- and parade watching. Well, hold on- there may actually be some Just Dance happening this week (our family goes hard with JD)… but alas, minimal movement these days. ‘Tis the season, right? ANYWAY, back to the turkeys. Awhile ago, our church was getting rid of these guys:

Turkey Makeover

Adorable, right? Very “Rainbow Fish”. Don’t ask me why we had tie dye turkeys stashed away in the church- we just did. Before they could be tossed in the trashed, I scooped ’em up with big dreams to give them a little makeover. Enter the (can you guess it?)… spray paint. Gold, this time around.

Turkey Makeover

After a few coats, they were looking quite dapper!

Turkey Makeover I also gave them a new home for the season so we could enjoy them right up until Thanksgiving.

Turkey MakeoverTurkey Makeover

And really, that’s all there is to it! A few coats of spray paint and they look brand spankin’ new!

Turkey Makeover

We’ve had a lot of fun decorating for fall this year. Here’s a quick trip down memory lane, just in case you missed any of the action. We…

  • Sharpie-d creepy things on pumpkins for Halloween (see it here)No-Carve Pumpkins
  • Set up a spooky Halloween table setting (see it here)Halloween Table
  • Fall-ified our front porch (see it here)Front Porch Fall Decor
  • Did some leaf framing for easy fall art (see it here)Fall Gallery Wall
  • Constructed not one, not two, but THREE Thanksgiving table settings (see them here)2014 Turkey Table #3: Harvest Time
  • Re-Sharpie-d some thankfulness onto those same pumpkins (see it here)Thanksgiving Mantel Pumpkins
  • Spray painted a couple of turkeys!

And now, just because it’s Thanksgiving, here are a few bonuses for the day:

I realized that I totally forgot to include a wide shot so you could see the whole mantel with our “Give Thanks” pumpkins… so here you go:Thanksgiving Mantel Pumpkins

Yes, I was watching One Tree Hill. Raise your hand if you’re a OTH lover too. I see you. These are my people. Bonus points if you can guess which episode this was…. I’ll be very impressed. 🙂

Annnnd, not to rush things, but here’s a sneak peek at an exciting new piece of winter-y decor that we recently adopted…Winter Sled

I cannot begin to tell you how EXCITED I am about this old sled! I’ve been on the hunt for one for awhile now and they are always so darn expensive! About a month ago, I stumbled on this one at a yard sale for TEN DOLLARS. I frantically stumbled over myself to get the seller the cash and snatch that baby up before someone else could. And good thing too because just as soon as I came back with the money (I had to run to the bank to get it), another interested buy was asking about it! DISASTER AVERTED. And I’m happy to report that it will be gracing our front porch with its presence all season long. Hooray for yard sales and old sleds!

This is where I leave you, friends. I truly hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, pumpkin pie (or another favorite of mine: Cope’s Corn), football and parades, but most of all- time to think about all the things you are thankful for. I know one thing- I’m definitely thankful for you! Thankful that you follow along, read about our adventures and misadventures, and thankful that we have space to hang out with so many awesome people here. Oh, the Fun!