We’ve Been Bean Boozled!

This game. Is wretched and hilarious all in one. 🙂

Bean Boozled

Welcome to another Friday, everyone! As you know, we’ve launched a YouTube Channel, called Mitch & Leslie, and every Friday we post a new video with a challenge. Mitch vs. Leslie in an all-out show down of wild and crazy contests and games. Today, we did the Bean Boozled Challenge and it was quite the adventure! I’ll let you watch for yourself and you’ll see what I mean. 🙂

Before we get to the video, though, I wanted to give you a few house-keeping updates about how the channel and blog will be interacting in the future. This Friday and next will be the LAST TIMES that we’ll be putting the challenge videos into blog posts for you to see. As the channel is a separate entity from the blog, we’ve decided that we won’t be using blog space to post channel videos, except for the ones that have to do with blog-related content. SO, if you want to see the videos every week, here is how you can stay up-to-speed with the updates…

SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel (it’s the red button on the right side of the page once you get to the site)… this is the very best way to be alerted the minute the videos go live.

FOLLOW our new Mitch & Leslie Facebook page.

FOLLOW us on Instagram and Twitter… these accounts are for both the blog AND the channel, meaning that if you are following us (@mitchandleslie), you’ll see updates for blog posts AND new channel videos!

So there you have it… all of the ins and outs to keep up with Team Thomas. 😉 Ok, onto the video! Enjoy!


  1. Fran Rosario | 27th Feb 16

    I had MUCH more fun watching someone playing this game than I would have had PLAYING it myself.
    Don’t ever ask me to try this game!

    • Leslie | 27th Feb 16


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