Wicker Wonder

I’ve got a quick update for you today… but it packs a nice punch in the realm of unexpected usefulness! Let’s take it from the beginning… you know how we’re on this ongoing quest to update the spare bedroom? If you’re lost already, you can play catch up here. We call it the Spare because it does so much more than just function as an extra bedroom. Yes, it is a bedroom for guests when they come to stay, but it is also our laundry room, library, and office. For a tiny square room, that’s a lot! So we’re always on the “how do we use this space better” hunt.

Painting the Spare RoomOne of the things we’ve grown to love (that’s inaccurate… we loved them the instant we unpacked them from their shipping boxes) in our family room is our set of round storage ottomans. They are seriously a lifesaver when it comes to hidden storage.

Storage OttomansI’ve always thought it would be nice to have a coffee table in the spare room, and even better if it could have some storage to it. Well, look what we stumbled upon on our last visit to the HUGE monthly yard sale hosted by a local church! I’m serious when I say this sale is huge… just to give you some perspective- it’s held in a barn. Anyway, on our way out, I spotted this wicker storage ottoman.

Wicker OttomanIt’s kind of rough around the edges and not in pristine condition, so we went back and forth about it. Then the guy said he would sell it to us for $5 and we thought that if we brought it home and didn’t love it, well, it was $5. First we tried it downstairs in the family room in lieu of the coffee table that’s currently there… and didn’t really like it. It was great in theory, but a little too small for the size of our couch. So we brought it upstairs to give it a shot in the Spare. The only way I can describe it is LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

Wicker Ottoman

It’s perfect. Great size, great scale for the room, and instantly helped the space feel more like a living space. Mitch was the one to declare it a perfect purchase first… he loved it. Which is good enough for me!

Yes, it could use some love… and maybe in the future, it’ll get some sort of mini makeover, but for now we’re fine just embracing the “vintage” feel. Hah! 🙂

Wicker Ottoman

The best part? S.T.O.R.A.G.E. This thing can hold quite a bit! I’ve packed it full of frames, extra wood scraps (when you don’t have a basement, attic, or garage, you have to get creative with storing building supplies!), and project pieces that are on the “to-do” list. Things that have been sitting in piles around the house because I just don’t have a spot for them… contained. And it’s a glorious feeling.

Wicker OttomanTopped off with a tray, some magazines, and a candle holder and we’re calling it done.

Wicker OttomanI might be obsessed…

Wicker Ottoman

‘Tis the season for yard sales! Anyone out there bring home a treasure recently that changed your world? Please tell us about it- I love yard sale tales! Better yet, email us a picture so I can live vicariously through you and your good fortunes. 🙂


  1. Nancy Hoffman | 13th Aug 15

    Your “new” piece just may have been kicking around the tri-state area since I was married 29 years ago and bought it for our first home!

    • Leslie | 13th Aug 15

      So you’re saying we’re ottoman twins? Could this day get any better?! 🙂

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