Yes, We Own a Bed

Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is how far behind this blog is in comparison with what has happened in our house. It’s not a bad thing- just funny. For example, one would look at the blog and assume we have no furniture in our Master Bedroom, save for one charming window nook. So, I will continue the quest to bring this blog up to speed so that we can show a more “real time” account of what’s goin’ on around here. In the spirit of updating, let me just put the rumors to rest- we do, in fact, have furniture in our bedroom. Let’s take a quick tour around the room. Here it is the day we bought the house:


Charming, eh? Green walls and pink carpets all day, baby!

MasterAnd then we painted and added new carpet:new 015And last week, you saw what we have under the window:house pics 079

Here’s another angle of that corner of the room, to give you some idea of how everything is laid out:house pics 089So how about the rest of the room? Well, we were given a bureau set- a large one, a small one, and a mirror… all in an elegant black color. Below is the large one, just imagine half of it and that’s about the size of the small.

house pics 090In addition to those two, we found a third wooden dresser from a thrift store. The jury is still out for what will happen to that piece- definitely some sort of paint job or face lift is in the cards for that guy. We’ll have to see how the room continues to take shape before any major decisions are made.

habitat 029

In terms of who gets what, we split the large dresser and each have one of the small ones as bedside tables. Which only begs the question… do we actually have a bed? Yep. Here it is:
house pics 069This is all I’m going to leave you with in terms of the bed because that baby deserves (and will someday have) an entire post all to itself. The reason? We teamed up with my dad to make it. Yeah, you read that right. We might be crazy, but we followed through with our harebrained scheme to make that bed from scratch and are so happy we did because we ended up with a piece that is custom made for exactly what we pics 075A place to sleep, but more importantly, STORAGE. house pics 070That’s all I’ll say on that because, like I said, there’s a whole post coming your way on it- complete with the blueprints in case you want to make your own someday. You just never know when you might get the urge to build a bed. Don’t worry- we got your pics 093

So ANYWAY, that’s the quick synopsis on the bedroom basics. Stay tuned for details. Actually, there are a TON of details coming your way tomorrow because we’re unveiling our (first ever!) Home VIDEO Tour!!! Excited? Us too. See you tomorrow!
