Boxy Blooms

Last week we had a really good snow. Like the kind that gives everyone (well, most people) a snow day and makes you want to hunker down, stay inside, and wrap yourself in every blanket in the house. Mitch and I did just that as we worked from home, keeping an eye out the window as the snow fell and fell and fell. Here’s what our backyard looked like… a winter wonderland! Ahhhh, that is my paradise.

IMG_31232015 WinterI prayed for that big snow and now that we’ve had it, I’m cool if spring decides to roll on in any time it wants. And what better way to usher in a new season than a post about a few fresh blooms? There’s nothing quite like a bouquet of fresh flowers, especially when spring is right around the corner and for this time around, I wanted to try something other than the good ‘ole glass vase to house ’em all. Here’s what I started with:

Boxy Blooms

A few weeks ago at Target, I found this square woven basket in the dollar section and grabbed it on a whim. Turns out, it’s a pretty cool alternative to a vase! To hold the water, I just added a square shaped plastic Tupperware container and then plopped in the flowers.

PicMonkey Collage


The end result? A box of flowers that we got to enjoy on the coffee table for a couple weeks! It was fun to play around with a way to display a few flowers in a unique way.

IMG_2939 IMG_2926 IMG_2925How about you? Ever forgo the usual glass vase in favor of something out of the box? (hah, see what I did there? 🙂 ) Do tell! Even better, email me some pictures!