Chapter 2: A Door Demo

NOW you’re excited about this post… something about the word “demo” really gets people’s attention. Well, you’re in luck because today is a good day. Full of taking things apart.

BUT, before you read any further, answer this question: Have I read Chapter 1? If the answer is no, you should go ahead and do that first. Otherwise you’ll be more confused than America when the Bachelor chooses to keep the crazy mean girl around for another week. And we don’t want to cause you that kind of emotional stress. So click here to read Chapter 1 first. 🙂

Right. All squared away, then? Cool, let’s get to this demo business.

Remember how we talked about turning what used to be the closet into the new office? Here’s the rough sketch:

New Spare Layout

Well in order to see if that was even possible, we had to see what we were working with. In a moment of it’s-my-day-off-and-Mitch-isn’t-here-boredom, I got a spurt of adrenaline and pulled those suckers off their glider to create one big opening. Before the doors came off, the view looking toward the closet looked like this:

Spare Bedroom

As for the inside, well we had everything nice and organized (remember this post?), but that does not stop stuff from accumulating! Here’s a shot of what the inside used to look like back in the day:

Spare Closet Clean Out

So those are the befores. Before I decided to go and tear down the last line of defense, the shield from all the sins of a messy closet. And afterward? Oy, afterward. Let me just say this- if ever you find yourself with a closet that you can’t remember what it holds, a good way to solve that mystery is to take the door(s) off. You’ll know real quick, I promise. Here is what the room looked like after I had taken the doors off the closet and moved everything that used to be in there… out.

Messy Spare

But the reward for all of that mess is a relatively clean and open space! Perfect for the beginnings of a new office space…

No Doors (Spare Closet)

I know, I know. There are so many shoes. For now, let’s chat about how I got those pesky doors down. You see, they were attached to a glider (that’s not a technical term, I have no idea what it’s actually called) at the top and held in place by a holder (made that one up too) that is screwed into the floor. All I did was lift each door so that it popped out of the holder, tilted it at an angle so that I could pull it out and unattached it from the glider.

Glider and HolderBut what about the shoes? And all of the clothes- where will they go? And the open shelves? What are we going to do about all of the storage space we’ll be losing? Don’t worry- we have a plan. And as soon as I get my act together to corral all of our thoughts into a post, I’ll share it with you (hopefully next week!). All the ins and outs. here’s a sneak peek at some of the beginnings of a possible desk for the space…

No Spare Closet Doors!

And for those of you who have been with us daily (thanks!), you may recognize those pieces from this  spontaneous adventure into the dumpster. Waste not, want not! 🙂 So there’s our progress so far… stay tuned for Chapter 3 coming your way soon!