Chapter 6: Pulling Back the Curtain

Psst. I don’t know many people who start a book at Chapter 6… check out Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to catch up! Actually, maybe this post should be entitled, “putting up the curtain” because that’s exactly what we’re…

Otto the Box

Look guys, I apologize in advance for the corniness of that title. It’s bad and I know it. I figured that it’s been some time since we bought our beloved ottomans (now you’re groaning at the title, huh? me too.) for the family room…

Fake Flower Art

Surprise! We escaped to for the week! And while we definitely have rest and relaxation (and Harry Potter) on the brain, don’t worry- there’s a whole round up of posts coming your way this week. See ya on the other side! 🙂 File this one under &#8220…