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Browsing Tag: 2015 Thomas Family Vacation

Thanks For the Memories, Florida!!!

Wow, it’s hard to believe it was almost a full year ago that we were traipsing all over Florida with nary a care in the world. 🙂 As much as it feels as though time has flown by, we are getting to that point where we feel ready for…

2015 Vacation Superlatives

We love superlatives around here. Something about remembering the best and the worst of years and trips past conjure up beautiful memories, all the while keeping it real and reminding us that this is real life. And there are rough spots. And most of time time, those rough spots make…

Day 7 & 8: A Few Last Hurrahs

We have reached the end, friends. The last couple days of the big trip. Our adventure to Florida is coming to a close! Don’t get too teary eyed, though- we’ve still got a few surprises in store for next week… a monster of a video…