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Browsing Tag: family room

Fake Flower Art

Surprise! We escaped to for the week! And while we definitely have rest and relaxation (and Harry Potter) on the brain, don’t worry- there’s a whole round up of posts coming your way this week. See ya on the other side! 🙂 File this one under &#8220…

A Simple Mantel and Some Shelf Changes

I know that Monday was a bit of a cliff hanger (but where did those frames end up?!)… you probably haven’t been able to sleep all week due to the suspense. My apologies. But let’s solve that problem now, shall we? As you know, I…

Styling the Shelves in the Family Room (with a VIDEO!)

Doesn’t a post just get infinitely more exciting with the word “video” attached to it? Crazy. This is an all-around exciting day, though, because we’re finally getting to the finished product of those shelves we built in the family room. Hooray! If you…