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Browsing Tag: superlatives

Two Year Blogiversary Superlatives

Hey, hey, we’re back and the party is still in full swing! Yesterday, we kicked things off with an Infographic full of stats and facts and tidbits of information about this past year of blogging. Today is a fun day because we get to look back at the…

2015 Vacation Superlatives

We love superlatives around here. Something about remembering the best and the worst of years and trips past conjure up beautiful memories, all the while keeping it real and reminding us that this is real life. And there are rough spots. And most of time time, those rough spots make…

One Year Blogiversary Superlatives

Hey there, party people! We’re shakin our groove thing in honor of the blog’s 1st birthday and today is all about the good, the bad, and the ugly of the past year in blog world. That’s right… SUPERLATIVES! Let’s get right…