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Browsing Tag: turning a closet into an office

Office and Desk Reveal!

About time, huh? If you’re an avid Oh, the Fun reader, you know one things… we’ve been working on the “new” office for EONS. Seriously, E-Ons. But, happy day- it’s DONE! And you get to see it it today! If…

Chapter 10: Whitewashed

I think I’m in love. With whitewashing. Let me show you why… That picture might make more sense if I show you what it looked like before: Ahhhh, so.much.better. All throughout our office project, I felt like the bamboo blinds were not the right color…

The Domino Effect

You know how sometimes you start a project and then realize that before you can finish it, you’d have to do “just this one thing”, so you do that. But in the midst of doing that, you think “well, I’m already working on…